Ramya Srinivasan (Intel)Oct 10, 2016. Title and AbstractBeyond GPS: high accuracy technologies for your smartphone This presentation will provide an overview of alternate location technologies, with specific focus on Wi-Fi based indoor positioning and a high accuracy LTE based solution for E911 for locating smartphones. Wi-Fi based indoor location can provide an accuracy up to one meter. This unleashes a huge set of use-cases. For example, in the case of first responders, locating fire-fightersvictims in a large high rise burning building requires high precision localization. Other use-cases include providing routing assistance to visually disabled, providing advertisementscoupons in a mall or stadium in a context-aware manner etc. E-911 is mandated in the United States and is regulated by the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) which specifies the accuracy with which a 911 caller should be located. In challenging deep indoor environments and urban canyons, GNSS does not meet these accuracy requirements. The LTE based positioning - Observed time difference of arrival (OTDOA) - has been developed as an effective fallback to GNSS in these scenarios. BioDr. Srinivasan obtained her PhD in Electrical & Computer Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology in December, 2011. Her research was focused on optimizing data rates in MIMO (multi-input, multi-output) wireless networks. MIMO is one of the fundamental technologies responsible for the high data rates possible in current Wi-Fi technology, LTE and next generation communication systems. Between 2012 to 2016,Dr. Srinivasan was a systems engineer for Qualcomm Inc, Santa Clara, where she worked on various position location technologies, including on Wi-Fi based indoor navigation and LTE-based positioning for E-911. She is currently a modem simulation engineer at Intel, Santa Clara where she is involved in designing the 5G baseband modem for mobile chipsets. |